Working Toward a Brighter Future
A full month of events all linked to every aspect of our industry and our community to help raise awareness of Showmen world wide. This project is inspired by the many awareness days and months you may already be familiar with. We would love to know what you think and any ideas how you might like to celebrate World Fun Fair Month this September. We have passed all the information on to the various trade body associations. They are in full support of the project and we are grateful to them for passing on the information to their members.
We would of course like as many of you to to be involved as possible.
September was registered officially by us as World Fun Fair Month in 2021 we were overwhelmed with what was achieved last year and we are looking to build on its success this year.
In 2021 we created a specific World FunFair Month logo. One for the UK and alternatives that work in line with different terminology used, last year WFFM flags were flying all over the world!
The support for the project has been positive from the start with our colleagues in Europe, Australasia and the USA and they are already planning how they might celebrate with us again this year. This initiative last year confirmed how we all experience similar issues and share values as Showmen no matter where we live and travel. The response for the I am a Showman video was evident of this. We hope WFFM will continue to strengthen ties and further unite Showmen and highlight the Fairground industry across the World.
We hope that here in the UK local authorities will be as supportive as possible too. So we are inviting local authorities to get involved and be proud of the fairgrounds associated with their towns. There are many Charter fairs and other fairs all around the country during September. They are the perfect advertisement for World Fun Fair Month. Fairgrounds should be a celebrated part of the community.
We are encouraging councils, schools, organisations, fairground enthusiasts, photographers anyone who has an interest to take part and embrace this full month of community spirit , fun and enjoyment that is brought together by one thing “all the fun of the fair”
We would like everyone to fly the flag for Showmen! World Fun Fair Month flags and bunting can be purchased from us. The logos are available on PDF we can send them to you via email so you can use them freely. We are hopeful that everyone will join us again throughout September and at every fair there will be World Fun Fair Month flags flying and logos on billing and advertising boards to help raise the much needed awareness and positive representation of our often misjudged industry and community.
We hope that you can all see what we are trying to achieve with this and we are confident Showmen everywhere will back this important project by adopting the World Fun Fair Month logo to use where ever possible. This project is about Showmen, all of us, the world over. We are all in this together…
Please get back to us if you would like more information about our group #Future4fairgrounds or the World Fun Fair Month project